We get more sunshine every day! Today is Groundhog Day and it reminds me of a saying I heard on the weekend- “If you aim for nothing, you will hit it with amazing accuracy”.
Is the day and age of uncertainly of global economies, I often wonder how many companies or organizations are actually planning growth. It is often during these times that everyone should be catching up, getting ready for growth and looking to the future. If you don’t, when everything starts ramping up again, will you be ready or will you be in catch up mode for many months or years. This is the time to review and renew your strategic plans and making sure that you will be ready. One thing is for certain, growth will happen. Don’t be like some of the groundhogs and head back down for a few more months of hiding out.
I am also thinking of many individuals and companies or organizations that undertake a number of projects at one time and then find themselves stressed to the limits on how to get everything accomplished within a certain time frame. It is sometimes much better to undertake one or two projects that are within your capacity limits and do an excellent job of them rather than leave a few unhappy clients behind. It is those clients who you may never see again. As well, during your workday, how many of you plan a project a day (i.e. small project) rather than trying to do a lot of things within your workday. This may lead to longer days and a tired person. How many of you book meetings and appointments with no room to spare between them and find yourselves running from meeting to meeting with no time to rest or prepare for the next one?
So the final message- always plan and prepare for the future- don’t be afraid of growth in down times and give yourselves time during the day, week, month or year to catch up and do a much better job of a few things rather than burning yourselves, company or organization trying to do everything. Zero is a real target but then……….
Have a great February and head out of that warm and comfortable den.