Welcoming That New Employee

I heard a piece on the radio this morning on employee retention and a recent survey of employees and employers as to how they viewed the best incentives for retention of employees. The top method is working hours flexibility followed by such things as working environment and even paid vacations. It occurred to me that in this day when finding employees can be a challenge, everyone needs to be looking how we recruit and retain employees. Here are some hints for success:

  • When you hire a new employee, ensure that you are there to greet them and make them welcome. New employees, especially young ones who have travelled a long ways to get here, do not need to hear “come back in a couple of hours when so and so is in”. All of that prep work should have been done in advance and helps both you as an employer and the new anxious employee get off to a good start. The old “make them wait to see what they are made of” does not cut it anymore when finding employees is a challenge.
  • As an employee looking to start a new job, be there early and do your research on the company and what they expect of you. That includes working dress, hours of work, who you report to, etc.
  • Take a look at your new employee package and program and see if you would like to be welcomed in this manner. Taking the time during the first day with a new employee can make a huge difference in getting everyone off on the right foot.
  • Take a look at your employee programs to see if they are meeting the needs of the new generation of employees. Your current employees might also appreciate a review and some new incentives.

This is about developing a new team member from day one and keeping that team member for years to come. Are you ready?